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v0.0.1 (2019-04-11)

Stegoturs is a Free (as in freedom) pluggable transport (PT) development framework, streamlining the job of developing smarter and stealthier pluggable transports than the conventional ones currently in use. Stegotorus framework provides an API specifically geared towards the needs of steganographic protocols. Using these API, developers can write PTs which can effectively hide from deep packet inspection systems (DPI), but also resist nondiscriminatory adversarial behaviours such as throttling or packet and connection dropping. Stegotorus disentangles the part of the PT code which manages the network communications from the part responsible for encoding the information. In the Stegotorus jargon, the former is known as protocol and the latter - as steg modules. A system can have several protocols and steg modules working together. In this way, different censorship countermeasures can be developed to bypass censorship in modular forms. As well, one or many modules can be used in different situations.